My parents fought the economy to provide a very nice home for my brother and I. We weren't "spoiled" children, but we always had more than we needed. My parents were very hard workers both in their careers and at home. They made whatever sacrifices had to be made to provide what they best could for us.
My parents fought the socially acceptable norm and paid a healthy tuition for my brother and I to attend a private, Christian school for as many years as possible. The educational and spiritual foundation this provided is without a doubt immeasurable even today!
My parents fought added expenses, chaotic schedules and traffic jams to allow us to participate in a variety of extra curricular activities.
My parents fought to keep us from being exposed to and influenced by drugs and alcohol.
My parents fought with me when I was rebellious and making ignorant choices. They didn't turn their backs.
My parents fought to give us every chance possible to be the best we could possibly be.
My parents fought for me, not to prove their love, but because they loved me.
I am so very grateful for fighting parents!!! For how they have molded who I am and my self image even today. I was worth fighting for! What could be better? And now, as a parent, I take up my armor day by day, moment by moment and I too fight....because every child in my home is worth fighting for! And I am thankful to God for the gift of my fighting parents and the current examples of fighting parents I have in my family and friends and friends and friends all around me who don't give up even when it's hard or when it hurts.
Praise God for Fighting Parents! Every child deserves such.