From Streams in the Desert - "Isn't there something captivating about the sight of a person burdened with many trials, yet who is as lighthearted as the sound of a bell? Isn't there something contagious and valiant in seeing others who are greatly tempted but are "more than conquerors"? Isn't it heartening to see a fellow traveler whose body is broken, yet who retains the splendor of unbroken patience?
What a witness these give to the power of God's gift of grace! ~John Henry Jowett
Wow! It's so true! I can think of individuals and friends who have been this very testimony to me at times. To look at them and their reaction to their situation in awe and completely seeing the face of God through them. Thank you sweet friends who have offered me a glimpse of His desire for us and for continued hope! I am blessed and changed because of you and pray that when faced with my own struggles, I have and will offer the same to others.
It doesn't have to be catastrophic, life altering struggles that allow us this opportunity either, I am learning. But instead, the everyday ones, probably most often witnessed only by our family. It's so much more than just conquering the struggle, but what our actions display while doing so. For my reaction to daily "struggles" to be one that allow my children to witness God through me....my prayer and my joy!!!
Romans 8:37
"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
Amen sister! Praising God for you, and assuring you that I have witnessed this same authentic TRUE joy in YOU in the midst of great trials! You are a bell ringing with the JOY that only comes from Christ!
ReplyDelete:) Thanks for your encouragement. It really does ONLY come from Him! And to Him the glory is due! So thankful for His grace and mercy and overwhelming LOVE!