I've found myself realizing even more how much like Peter I am. As I look to Christ standing upon the water with His hand outstretched saying "Come to me." I have stepped out of the boat, zealous, with my eyes fixed upon Him and His calling. Then......then, I find myself distracted by the waves around us, the threatening of yet another storm and the potential of danger, and all at once, I begin to sink. I sink into the "What Ifs", and of course the "Whys"...both, very dangerous waters. They can quickly consume. Then, like the child I am, I find myself looking up saying "Lord, where did you go? Where are you?" when He has never moved. He still stands firm, hand outstretched to me. It was me who lost sight, not Him. Why, after His proving Himself to me over and over and over am I still so easily rocked by the waves of the circumstances that surround me? Why, oh why is my faith so weak? Why are my eyes and mind so easily distracted from the One who carries it all?
But then....once I refocus and my heart realigns with Him, in that very moment, without delay, He meets me. And then offers me yet more blessings, tonight, in the form of a sleeping babe on my chest. How overflowing my gratitude is...even if my faith has far to grow. :)
Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.

Love you, girl. :)